CARS 2025 Topics

CARS 2025 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
39th International Congress and Exhibition
June 17 - 20, Berlin, Germany

39th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology (CAR)

Chair: Ulrich Bick, MD (DE)

  • Medical Imaging, e.g. DR, CT, MR, Virtual Endoscopy, US, SPECT, PET and Molecular Imaging
  • Computer Assisted Cardiovascular Imaging
  • Image Processing and Visualization
  • Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Image Guided Diagnosis and Therapy of the Prostate
  • Ablation Therapies
  • Image Guided Radiation Therapy
  • Nanotechnology for Imaging and Therapy
  • Telemedicine, E-health and Multimedia EPR
  • Expert Systems and Computer Assisted Education
  • PACS Architecture, Workstation Design and Workflow
  • Image Distribution, Storage and Archiving Strategies
  • Interoperability and Standardization
  • Managing Radiation Dose and Contrast Media
  • Clinical Decision Support Systems

29th Annual Conference of the International Society for Computer Aided Surgery (ISCAS)

President: Kensaku Mori, PhD (JP)
General Secretary: Cristian A. Linte, PhD (US)

  • Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality for Surgery and Interventions
  • Image Processing and Visualization
  • Intraoperative Devices and Sensors
  • Intraoperative Imaging
  • Computer-assisted Planning
  • Surgical Navigation
  • Navigated Control
  • Surgical Robotics and Instrumentation
  • 3D Modelling and Rapid Prototyping
  • Methods of Validation and Verification
  • Evaluation of CAS Systems
  • Postoperative Result Assessment
  • Surgical Knowledge and Decision Management
  • Decision and Action Support in Surgical Management
  • Situation Awareness in the OR
  • Surgical Skill Assessment
  • Surgical Workflow Analysis
  • Surgical Simulation, Education and Training
  • Ergonomics, User Interfaces, Haptics and Multimodal Devices in Surgical Applications
  • Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in Surgery
  • Computer aided surgery in neuro, ENT, orthopaedic and spinal, cardiovascular, thoracic, gastroenterological, gynaecological, and urological surgery
  • Image Guided Navigation Surgery
  • Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery
  • Image Guided Therapy

27th International Conference on Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Artificial Intelligence (CAD-AI)

Chair: Hiroyuki Yoshida, PhD (US)

  • Deep Learning / Machine Learning
  • Radiomics
  • CAD for Precision Medicine
  • 3D Printing
  • Grand Challenges in CAD
  • Quantitative Imaging
  • Risk Assessment
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Comparative Evaluation and Fusing CAD systems
  • Content-based Image Retrieval
  • Observer Performance Studies
  • Clinical Evaluation
  • Cloud CAD
  • CAD for Breast, Lung, Colon and Gastrointestinal Tract, Eye/Retina, Head and Neck, Liver, Prostate, Musculoskeletal, (Cardio-)Vascular, Multiple Organ Systems, and Dentistry
  • CAD for Oncology
  • CAD for Histopathology and Microscopy

31st Computed Maxillofacial Imaging Congress (CMI)

Chair: Christos Angelopoulos, PhD (US)
Co-chair: Samir C. Aboul-Hosn Centenero, MD, PhD (ES)

  • New Imaging Devices and Novel Applications
  • Evidence-based Selection Criteria in Digital Maxillofacial Imaging
  • Craniomaxillofacial Computer-Aided Diagnosis
  • Maxillofacial Image Processing
  • Cranial and Maxillofacial Image Guided Surgery
  • Image Navigated Dental Implantology
  • Orthodontic and Endodontic Applications of Computed Imaging
  • Imaging and Modelling for Maxillofacial Prosthodontics
  • Cone Beam and Multislice CT
  • Maxillofacial MRI and Ultrasound Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Image Fusion and Subtraction
  • 3D and 4D Imaging
  • Multi-dimensional Maxillofacial Modelling
  • Virtual Reality and Dental Robotics
  • Interoperability and Maxillofacial Applications in IHE

16th Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Intervention (IPCAI)

General Chairs: Stamatia Giannarou, PhD (GB), Orçun Göksel, PhD (SE), Nicolas Padoy, PhD (FR)

  • Surgical Data Science
  • Interventional Imaging
  • Systems and Software
  • Evaluation and Validation
  • Tracking and Navigation
  • Interventional Robotics
  • Surgical Planning and Simulation
  • Advanced Intra-operative Visualization and User Interfaces
  • Augmented Reality for Medical Applications
  • Surgical Skill Analysis and Workflow

26th IFCARS / SPIE / ISCAS Joint Workshop on the Digital Operating Room (DOR)

Chairs: Yoshihiro Muragaki, MD (JP), Kevin Cleary, PhD (US)

  • Surgical Workflow
  • Intelligent Operating Room
  • Therapy Imaging and Model Management Systems (TIMMS)
  • Surgical PACS
  • Interoperability, DICOM and IHE in Surgery
  • Management and Assessment of OR Systems Integration
  • Architectures of ORs and Interventional Suite

7th ISCAS / CAD / IFCARS Joint Symposium on Multidisciplinary Computational Anatomy (MCA)

Chairs: Makato Hashizume, MD (JP), Hiroyuki Yoshida, PhD (US), Heinz U. Lemke, PhD (DE)

  • Micro-computational Anatomy
  • Physiological Modeling in Multi-computational Anatomy
  • Surgery Using Multi-computational Anatomy
  • Mathematical Foundation of Multi-disciplinary Computational Anatomy
  • Robotics and Multi-disciplinary Computational Anatomy
  • Multi-disciplinary Computational Anatomy Assisting Radiology

17th CARS Clinical Day

Chairs: Leonard Berliner, MD (US), Eric vanSonnenberg, MD (US)

  • Clinical Innovations in Imaging and Interventional Radiology
  • Clinical Innovations in Surgery
  • The Future: Impact of Engineering/Informatics in Radiology and Surgery
  • Computer Assisted Radiology and Minimally Invasive Therapy
  • Results of Innovative Clinical Investigations

2nd Workshop on Model Guided Medicine and AI

Chairs: Dirk Wilhelm, MD (DE), Miguel Á. González Ballester, PhD (ES)

  • Methods and tools for situational models, process models and network models for distributed model services
  • Model truthfulness and transparency studies
  • Medical information and model management systems (MIMMS)
  • Model curation via intelligent handling of data, information, knowledge, models and handling of truth (wisdom)

For a limited time, the replay of the "1st Workshop on MGM, AI and the search for truth" which took place during CARS 2024 is available here


IFCARS / DGCH Joint Session on Model Guided Medicine and AI in Surgery

Chairs: Thomas Schmitz-Rixen, MD (DE), Heinz U. Lemke, PhD (DE)

  • Multicentre AI models and associated clinical translational studies
  • Model quality assurance, i.e model verification, validation and evaluation


Save the dates: CARS 2025 will be taking place June 17-20, in Berlin, Germany