Organizers: Heinz U. Lemke, PhD, Miguel González Ballester, PhD
Founding Members: Javier Herrero, MD, Lluis Donoso Bach, MD, Heinz Lemke, PhD
Academic Curators: Nassir Navab, PhD, Hubertus Feussner, MD, Leonard Berliner, MD, Kevin Cleary, PhD, Randy Ellis, PhD, Yoshihiro Muragaki, MD, Dirk Wilhelm, MD, Liz Beckmann, BSc
Technical Curators: Mario Cypko, PhD, Hugo Herrero, MD, Daniel Ostler, MSc
Managing Director: Franziska Schweikert
1) Focus of the Academy: Author-Machine-Audience Communication (AMAC)
The purpose of the CARS Academy is to serve as a communication forum for the content of IJCARS publications, specifically those that have been accepted for the CARS Congress and have been translated into high quality Video Presentations (VP) with a focus on Facts, Figures and Thoughts (FFT) [1].
The overarching purpose of the scholarly publication and communication process of IJCARS and consequently of the Academy in the context of CARS (Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery) as a scientific/medical domain could be defined as:
“To enable the exchange/communication of R&D ideas by means of verbal and written statements made by responsible authors, scrutinized by informed reviewers and utilized by an open-minded audience, with the aim to stimulate complimentary thoughts and actions within the given domain of discourse by all parties involved in the scientific/medical communication process”.
This definition implies a different type of interactive navigation through knowledge in the domain of scholarly communication by all parties involved, i.e. authors, readers, audiences and discussants [1]. If a machine is utilized as a tool and mediator in this process, associated enabling technologies should support the communication categories
“to inform, to persuade and to entertain”.
Original articles, systematic reviews, short communications and extended abstracts submitted for AMAC video presentations to the CARS Congress and Academy should, therefore, take account of the opportunities new media of communication can offer as regards to be informative, persuasive and entertaining. Given these communication categories, also as visual enablers for navigating through scholarly knowledge, they should be self-contained and follow a well thought out and clear script/storyline, suitably structured along the traditional publication sections of Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusion.
2) Examples of visual/graphic presentations for IJCARS article sections
In Table 1 some selected examples of visual/graphic presentations for the Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusion sections in the IJCARS publication may serve as an entry point for designing AMAC videos and being referred to in the VP curation process.
Table 1. Selected examples of visual/graphic presentations for the Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusion sections of IJCARS for corresponding parts of a Video Presentation
3) Curation Process of Video Presentation
After a rigorous triaging process, for the curation of a VP, each element in the table will be given points (1-10) for fulfilling the requirements to inform, to persuade and to entertain. The sum total of points given to all 12 elements serves to categorize the VP into:
100-120 very good (qualifies for the VP show/festival)
80-99 good (selected VPs may qualify for the VP show/festival)
60 79 satisfactory
0-59 unacceptable
4) Audience of AMAC
Because video presentations serve interested parties often as the first encounter for an article/abstract indexed in an electronic database, they should rise interest for the content by as many members of this audience as possible, not least to also download the article/abstract or contact the authors directly for further enquiry (Q&A). Assuming that the audience expects some in-person communication features [2] also being present in a video, this represents an additional challenge in the scripting of a video presentation. Typical members from the CARS Academy audience may come from institutions of higher education, health care, industry and research, as well as interested members of the general scientific/medical community.
[1] Lemke HU, Feussner H, Berliner L. Editorial on Guiding principles for video presentations of IJCARS articles and long abstracts. Int J CARS 15, 897–899 (2020).
[2] Feussner H, Lemke HU, Preface on Analogue and Digital CARS 2020 Congress, IJCARS Proceedings Suppl., June 2020, CARS 2020 - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Munich, Germany. Int J CARS 15, 1–214 (2020).